brushes - these are now located at a Yahoo Groups site. The bandwidth was getting so crazy that I was going to be shut down by my host if I didn't do something about it. So... most of them, or at least all the good ones, are located here... . Be sure to read the terms of use if you decide to join the group. I'll forewarn you that I am not that active on the group, but there are a ton of folks - about 2000 by my last count - that help me out. I will most likely post new additions here for you to download for a limited amount of time.
textures - All 800x600 for now. Giving credit is always required and appreciated. Go get 'em.
-- Textures 1 -- older
-- Textures 2 -- newer
patterns - These are fairly new to the site and certainly not what you would think of as ordinary patterns. I have never seen anyone else do them quite like this. As with all the goodies, giving credit is a must. I hope you enjoy.
-- Too Saree Collection
-- Traditions Collection
That's it. I've been doing some house cleaning around here and removed some of my useless crap. If there is anything else you were looking for you can check the site page or send me a note and I'll see what I can do for you. |