? tag board??

Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Glad to Be Back

Okay, so the server troubles seem to be over. What a drag. Hopefully I will get around to doing some more updates soon. I have a few ideas and resources to pull out of my ass... err.. hat for your enjoyment. So, have a nice full-mooned night and see you on the flipside.


Saturday, January 22, 2005
Project D.U.

So for some reason I was reading Wil Wheaton's blog tonight and I saw this add for a blog reader. I was intrigued and decided to check it out. What I found was pretty cool. It's a fully customizable blog feed reader. Now I can put all my favorite artist blogs in one place and see if there are any new pieces for me to ooo and ahh over. If you feel like playing around and you have a few minutes to kill go check it out by clicking the title of this post. Oh and you can syndicate this site with Project D.U. by adding this url - https://1greeneye.net/atom.xml
Kind of cool I think, but I'm a dork.


Friday, January 21, 2005
Freedom3's Sunday Sonnet Project

What's this all about?
Sunday Sonnet is meme. Go here to find out what that means. Every Sunday a new line of poetry will appear on this page. It may be one word or an entire phrase. Whatever it is let it inspire you to write a poem that is all your own. The line provided is for inspiration purposes only and does not have to be found anywhere in your completed work. So, get inspired, write a poem, post it to your blog, and have fun. If you don't have a weblog you can always use the Freedom3 Poetry Forum.

If you particpate on a regular basis please send me an email so I can list your site. lmhutchings[at]rochester.rr.com

001 :: 1.22.05 :: blue tipped matchsticks sit waiting by the bed


Monday, January 17, 2005
Me Anti-Social?

I was thinking lately... that I may be anti-social in a way. I have absolutely no friends on the net. I see people talking about their 'dear friends' on the net all the time and actually participating in an online community of sorts. I know people, but I don't talk to them on a regular basis and I'm sure none of them would call me a friend. I'm either a loser or anti-social. Or maybe I'm just a bitch. I love you guys though - whoever you are. So maybe I should get some friends. Or I can just sit back and be content as an anti-social loser. See you next time dear friends.


Just A Gush of Newness

Lots of new stuff to tell you about:

- New texture at float; https://1greeneye.net/textures
- New Brush at 1ge Brushes; https://1greeneye.net/brushes
- And some new pieces of art where I used both of the new resources; called Listen - https://1greeneye.net/walls/listen.jpg and Never Know - https://1greeneye.net/walls/neverknow.jpg

Stock comes from http://www.photobreed.com and http://www.herfamedgoodlooks.com/


Another Image

Yet another piece of artwork inspired by Marta's Challenge at Emblem Yourself :: http://emblemed.unopened-letter.org/. Her challenges are amazing just like Marta herself. Check it out! Pictures come for the challenge and all brushes and textures are mine.

I really dig this one. I think it's a little different than some of my usual stuff. What can I say? I'm trying to evolve. But I hope you can still see my style in there too. Let me know what you think. Feedback is my drug of choice.


Friday, January 14, 2005
Barney Update

He seems to be doing fine though he is on what the call the 'bland' diet. This basically consists of rice and bits of meat. There has been no puking since he went to the vet, so I think we should be out of the woods. The vet, on the other hand, told me that he needs to return for more x-rays since the last one didn't look totally normal. He's acting fine and finally sleeping at night again... so I am not overly worried. Thanks for all you thoughts and concerns guys. I really appreciate it.



T A L K . T O . M E