Circle of the Green ? Ritual and Spellwork ? Invoking the Elements / Calling the Quarters

Some may argue that the correct direction in which to start is North, but Circle of the Green, as well as many other traditions start in the East. Do what feels most comfortable to you.

Spirits of the East,
Wild, Winged Ones,
Soaring with wisdom,
By the ancient power
Of the Old Ones
I call you to join your kin
In this sacred space.

Spirits of the South,
Firey, Passionate Ones,
Lighters of creation,
By the ancient power
Of the Old Ones
I call you to join your kin
In this sacred space.

Spirits of the West,
Cleansing and Pure Ones,
Bringers of emotion,
By the ancient power
Of the Old Ones
I call you to join your kin
In this sacred space.

Spirits of the North,
Earthen, Green Ones,
Teachers of mysteries,
By the ancient power
Of the Old Ones
I call you to join your kin
In this sacred space.

Preistess of Circle of the Green

Circle of The Green Book of Shadows
All images and text, unless otherwise noted, is ? 2003 Circle of the Green