Circle of the Green Presents
A Midsummer Night's Dream
In cooperation with NEC of WICCA and The Rochester Pagan Pride Day Festival.
Written in Iambic Pentameter by Circle of the Green
Add your own activities to the center of the ritual such as dancing, drumming, story telling, chanting, etc.
Circle Casting
Forces of natures birth, prithee come nigh
And behest blessings on this hallowed place.
Circle round with faerie wings, swift and light,
To keep and enchant by magick and haste.
By will and stone, circle be cast and whole
So mote it be.
Call East
By mine hand doth the easterly flame blaze
A beacon for the spirits of the wise
Hither come nigh elementals of air,
With wind swept knowledge to lift our spirits
As this flame burns, so too dost thou remain
Elementals of Air, Hail and Welcome
Call South
By mine hand doth the southerly flame blaze
A beacon for the spirits of passion
Hither come nigh elementals of fire,
With loves warm ardor to quicken our hearts
As this flame burns, so too dost thou remain
Elementals of Fire, Hail and Welcome
Call West
By mine hand doth the westerly flame blaze
A beacon for the spirits of feeling
Hither come nigh elementals of water,*
With true emotion to speak to our souls
As this flame burns, so too dost thou remain
Elementals of Water, Hail and Welcome*
Call North
By mine hand doth the northerly flame blaze
A beacon for the spirits of balance
Hither come nigh elementals of earth,
With great strength to fortify our beings
As this flame burns, so too dost thou remain
Elementals of Earth, Hail and Welcome
Call Goddess
Anon she will come, kind endless Lady
Of moon and stars and of the earth and seas
Visit this ground where ye rights are honored
To be one widst thou children on this eve
Queen of Summers Bloom, Hail Thee and Welcome
Call God
His home is forest glen and fruitful field
Wild Great Stag whom sits at thou Ladys side
Visit this ground where ye rights are honored
To be one widst thou children on this eve
King of Summer Light, Hail Thee and Welcome
Story of Midsummer and/or Sonnet?
Energy Build to include drumming, dancing, etc.
Cakes and ale.
Release God
Great King, thou hast blessed us this magick night
Take leave of this place if ye so desire
Wait among the trees if ye deem it so
But stay now and always within our hearts
King of Summer Light, Fair Thee Well This Night
Release Goddess
Lady, thou hast blessed us with mystery
Take leave of this place if ye so desire
Wait among the trees if ye deem it so
But stay now and always within our hearts
Queen of Summers Bloom, Fair Thee Well This Night
Release North
By mine hand the northerly flame smolders
As we honor the spirits of balance
Depart in peace elementals of earth,
Spirits of the northern realm, Fair Thee Well
Release West
By mine hand the westerly flame smolders
As we honor the spirits of feeling
Depart in peace elementals of water,
Spirits of the western realm, Fair Thee Well
Release South
By mine hand the southerly flame smolders
As we honor the spirits of passion
Depart in peace elementals of fire,
Spirits of the southern realm, Fair Thee Well
Release East
By mine hand the easterly flame smolders
As we honor the spirits of wisdom
Depart in peace elementals of air,
Spirits of the eastern realm, Fair Thee Well
Circle Opening
Forces of Life, Spirits of Creation
The time has come to depart from this place
With our thanks return now from whence thou came
Goodnight now sweet fairy kinsmen, sleep tight
By will and stone, the circle is open
Though ever it be whole and unbroken
So mote it be.