The following information can be found in The Official Greymatter Site. For more help and info go there.

Greymatter Tags

{{ampm}}, {{ampmlower}}, {{ampmdot}}, {{ampmdotlower}}

The AM or PM status of the relevant time. The "lower" variations list it in lowercase ("am" or "pm"), and the dot variations list it with dots ("a.m." or "p.m.").


Placeholder for use only in the Archive Log Index Template; when the log archives are generated, this tells Greymatter where to place the body of that month's or week's log. You can also use {{logbody}} (see below) to do the same thing.

{{author}}, {{authoremail}}, {{authorhomepage}}, {{authorentrycount}}

The name of that entry's author, their e-mail address (if given), their homepage address (if given), and the total number of entries they've posted so far, respectively. You can also include the name of an author to always give the relevant status for that particular author; for example, {{authoremail Alice}} will give Alice's e-mail address (if there is one), {{authorentrycount Mad Hatter}} will display how many entries Mad Hatter has posted, and so on.


Displays the name of that entry's author as a link either to that author's e-mail or homepage address, whichever has been given (if both are available, the link is to that author's homepage; if neither, the name is left unlinked). This is a self-contained link. As above, you can also names to generate smart dynamic links for specific authors.

{{calendar}}, {{calendar [mm]/[yy]}}, {{calendarweek}}

Creates calendar displays for the current month or week (or, in the case of {{calendar [mm]/[yy]}}, the month you specify) with each day in the calendar display as a link to the most recent entry posted that day, if any; you can specify in configuration whether calendars will link to any entry or only to extended entries. Use {{calendar [mm]/[yy]}} to create a calendar for a specific month; for example, {{calendar 11/00}} would make a calendar for the month of November 2000. (This requires that you've actually posted at least one entry during that month.)


Inserts the web path where your Greymatter CGI files are located, as specified in Configuration.

{{commentauthor}}, {{commentauthoremailabsolute}}, {{commentauthorhomepageabsolute}}

The name of that comment's author, their e-mail address (if given), and their homepage address (if given), respectively.

{{commentauthoremail}}, {{commentauthorhomepage}}

The contents of their respective templates; these will only appear if the author of that comment has given an e-mail or homepage address, respectively.


Displays the IP address of that comment's author. You can always see the IP addresses for comments by editing the entries they appear in, so you may want to think twice about using this variable and thus having the IPs appear out in the open, since many will (with due reason) probably consider this an invasion of privacy.


Displays the name of that comment's author as a link either to that author's e-mail or homepage address, whichever has been given (if both are available, the link is to that author's homepage; if neither, the name is left unlinked). This is a self-contained link.


The text of the current comment.


The contents of the {{commentdivider}} template. This will only appear if the entry contains at least one comment (and, if so, will still appear in that entry whether or not comments are disabled later).


The number of the comment. The first comment posted is always number 1, whether or not the comments are displayed in ascending or descending order.


The contents of the {{commentslink}} template, intended for linking to the comments on individual entry pages. This will not appear on entries for which comments have been disabled (or, of course, if comments are disabled altogether).


The number of comments that entry has received.


Generates a link to the #comments marker in that entry's page (wherever you have the tag in your entry page templates; by default, the tag points to the comments in that particular entry, or the posting form if no comments have been posted yet). If used outside the {{commentslink}} template, this link will always appear whether or not comments are disabled for that entry.

{{commentstatussmart}}, {{commentstatussmartupper}}, {{commentstatussmartlower}}

By default, displays how many comments there are in the "x Comments" format (with upper- and lower-case variations) with a "smart" status of how many comments there are: zero comments are "No Comments" and one is "1 Comment" (note the singular). If used outside the {{commentslink}} template, this will always appear whether or not comments are disabled for that entry. You can customise the output of this variable via the templates.

{{customone}} through {{customten}}

Inserts whatever you have in the respective custom template.

{{day}}, {{dayday}}

Displays the number of the relevant day. {{dayday}} forces it to two digits (if it's not already), padding single-digit numbers with zeroes (for example, 2 becomes 02).

{{email [url]}}, {{email [url] [link text]}}, {{emailmo [url] [link text]|[mouseover]}}

Works the same way as the {{link}} variables; see the description of them below.


Inserts the web path of your entries/archives directory, as specified in Configuration.


All the comments for that individual entry; like {{logbody}} on the Main Index and Archive Log Index pages, this is a placeholder for the full body of the comment list. Each comment is patterned on the Comment Appearance template.


The contents of the {{entrycommentsform} templatethe form whereby your visitors can add their comments to an entry. This won't appear on entries for which comments are disabled, or if comment posting is disabled altogether.


The contents of the {{entrycommentsform} template, intended to be a distinct form by which people can vote on an entry's karma from that entry's individual page. This won't appear on entries for which karma is disabled, or if karma voting is disabled altogether.


The main text of that entry.


The extended (or "more") text of that entry, if there is any.

{{entrymainbodyfirstwords [x]}} and {{entrymorebodyfirstwords [x]}}

Displays only the first X words of that entry's main or extended text, respectively; for example, {{entrymainbodyfirstwords 20}} will display the first twenty words of the main text (or the entire main text if it's less than twenty words, of course). All words displayed this way will be shown without HTML codes.

{{entrynumber}}, {{entrynumberpadded}}

The number of that entry. The "padded" version displays it in Greymatter's 8-digit padded filenaming convention (for example, the number for entry 187 would display as 00000187).


The subject line for that entry. Although you're required to give a subject when adding a new entry for the sake of reference, you're certainly not required to display it anywhere in your log.


Inserts whatever you have in the Footer template.


Puts the gm-icon.gif graphic on your page, linked to the Greysoft site. Required on the main index template, although donators can request a copy of Greymatter with the requirement removed if desired.


Greymatter's current version number.


Inserts whatever you have in the Header template.

{{hour}}, {{hourhour}}

Displays the number of the relevant hour. {{hourhour}} forces it to two digits (if it's not already), padding single-digit numbers with zeroes (for example, 4 becomes 04).

{{link [url]}}, {{link [url] [link text]}}, {{linkmo [url] [link text]|[mouseover]}}

For use when adding new entries, to facilitate adding links as a kind of shorthand. (You can always do them the old-fashioned way too, of course.) Links added this way are self-contained. The syntax works as follows:

You can also use "email" and "emailmo", with the same syntax as above (replacing "link" or "linkmo" accordingly), for linking to e-mail addresses.


Generates a list of links to all your monthly/weekly log archives. The appearance of these links is controlled by the Log Archives Link template (under Miscellaneous Templates) and the Log Archives Link Separator.


Placeholder for use only in the Main Index or Archive Log Index Templates; when the log is generated, this tells Greymatter where to place the body of the log (the current log for the main index, and the monthly/weekly log for the archive log index).

{{logentrylist}}, {{logshortentrylist}}, {{logmoreentrylist}} (plus optional variants: day, month, year, firsthalf, secondhalf, number, comments, commentsminimum, commentsnumber, and author name)

Generates a list of links to your individual entry pages (unless you have those disabled). The appearance of these links is controlled by the Entry List Link templates (under Miscellaneous Templates) and the Entry List Link Separator. {{logentrylist}} generates a list of links to all your entries; {{logshortentrylist}} generates a list for non-extended entries only, and {{logmoreentrylist}} for extended entries only. With each of those you can optionally specify that only a particular range of entries be listed:

So, for example, {{logshortentrylist month}} would list all the non-extended entries for the current month; {{logentrylist firsthalf}} and {{logentrylist secondhalf}} would list all the entries in separate halves (useful if you want to list them in two columns); {{logmoreentrylist number}} would list the twenty most recent extended entries, if you have "Log entry list variable number" in Configuration set to 20; {{logentrylist commentsminimum}} lists all entries, sorted by number of comments, that have received at least one comment (you can specify in Configuration whether or not this only lists entries for which comments can still be posted to); {{logmoreentrylist commentsnumber}} would list the top five most-posted-to entries if you have "Log entry list variable number" in Configuration set to 5; {{logentrylist WhiteRabbit}} would list all entries written by WhiteRabbit; and so on.


Inserts the web directory where your main index is, as specified in Configuration.


The contents of the {{karmalink}} template, for use in voting on an entry's karma. This won't appear with entries for which karma is disabled, or if karma voting is disabled altogether.


Displays the number of the relevant hour, in military time (always double-digit). The custom in military time is to add twelve to any hour after noon; so for example, 2 PM would be 14 in military time.

{{minute}}, {{minuteminute}}

Displays the number of the relevant minute. {{minuteminute}} forces it to two digits (if it's not already), padding single-digit numbers with zeroes (for example, 5 becomes 05).

{{month}}, {{monthmonth}}

Displays the number of the relevant month. {{monthmonth}} forces it to two digits (if it's not already), padding single-digit numbers with zeroes (for example, 3 becomes 03).

{{monthword}}, {{monthwordupper}}, {{monthwordlower}}, {{monthwordshort}}, {{monthworduppershort}}, {{monthwordlowershort}}

Displays the name of the month; {{monthwordshort}} displays it abbreviated to three letters. The "upper" and "lower" variations for both are for displaying it in upper- or lowercase respectively. So for example, the month of December would be displayed by the variables like so, in the order they're listed above: December, DECEMBER, december, Dec, DEC, dec.

{{morelink}}, {{morepreface}} (not recommended)

The contents of their respective templates; will only appear with entries that have an extended ("more") text. These are no longer recommended for use; it's simpler and more flexible now to distinguish standard and extended entries with their separate templates, so these are no longer necessary (but are kept for compatibility purposes).

{{next}} and {{nextmore}} as a prefix

When "next" or "nextmore" is used as a prefix to most variables, it will give the relevant variable output as it pertains to the next standard or extended entry; for example, {{nexthour}} gives the next entry's hour, {{nextmoreentrysubject}} the next extended entry's subject, and so on.


Generates a link to the individual page for that entry. This is always generated, so you won't want to use this variable if you have individual entry page generation turned off, unless you want it to create links to pages that don't exist. =)

{{pageindexlink}}, {{pagearchiveindexlink}}, {{pagearchivelogindexlink}}

Generates links to the main index, the archive master index (if you have one), and the log archives for the current month or week, respectively.


Generates a "smart" link either to the main index page or, if the entry is an archived entry, to the log archives for that entry's month or week.

{{popup [filename] [title] [width]x[height]}}

Generates a popup window for images, as well as an HTML file for that popup window in the entries/archives directory (both according to the popup templates you specify). "Filename" is the name of the image file (the HTML file Greymatter creates for the window will be named based on this file as well), "title" is its title, and "width" and "height" are the image's width and height respectively. {{popup}} creates its link and HTML file according to your customisation of them in the templates. So, for example, {{popup me.jpg This is me 300x200}} would create a popup window for the me.jpg image in the entries/archives directory (creating a me.htm file there for the window as well) that is 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels high. Note that when you upload an image through Greymatter, you can have it automatically create a new entry with the correct {{popup}} variable already in place.

{{popupfile}}, {{popuphtmlfile}}, {{popuptitle}}, {{popupwidth}}, {{popupheight}}

Gives the image filename, HTML filename, title, width, and height respectively, from the popup variable above. These variables will, of course, only work in the popup templates.

{{positivekarma}}, {{negativekarma}}, {{totalkarma}}

The positive, negative and total karma ratings of that entry, respectively. If used outside the {{karmalink}} and {{entrykarmaform}} templates, these will just show up as permanent zeroes for entries on which karma is disabled or if karma voting is disabled altogether. Total karma is the positive minus the negative karma votes; 10 positive votes with 3 negative would give a 7 total karma rating, 4 positive with 7 negative would give -3 total.

{{positivekarmalink}}, {{negativekarmalink}}

Generates links for voting upon that entry's karma for the positive or the negative respectively. If used outside the {{entrykarmaform}} or {{karmalink}} templates, these links will always appear whether or not karma voting is enabled for that entry or if karma is disabled altogether (if karma's disabled, though, clicking the links will not alter that entry's karma).

{{previewcommentauthor}}, {{previewcommentemail}}, {{previewcommenthomepage}}, {{previewcommentbody}}

The name, e-mail, homepage of the author previewing the comment, and the text of the comment being previewed, respectively. These will only work in the Comment Previewing Confirmation Form.

{{previous}} and {{previousmore}} as a prefix

When "previous" or "previousmore" is used as a prefix to most variables, it will give the relevant variable output as it pertains to the previous standard or extended entry; for example, {{previoushour}} gives the previous entry's hour, {{previousmoreentrysubject}} the previous extended entry's subject, and so on.

{{previouslink}}, {{nextlink}}, {{previousmorelink}}, {{nextmorelink}}

Inserts the contents of their respective templates, intended for use in linking to previous or next entries (or, with the "more" variations, previous/next extended entries). These will only appear if there's a non-closed previous/next entry (or extended entry, respectively) to be linked to.

{{randomnumber [x]-[y]}}

Displays a random number within the range you specify; for example, {{randomnumber 1-10}} generates a random number from 1 to 10 (inclusive). These numbers will be different each time the page in question is rebuilt, of course.


Inserts the form for searching through your entries.

{{searchterm}}, {{searchmatches}}, {{searchresults}}

The term used in a search, the number of matches for that search, and the total formatted results of the search, respectively. These variables only apply to the Search Results Page template.

{{second}}, {{secondsecond}}

Displays the number of the relevant second. {{secondsecond}} forces it to two digits (if it's not already), padding single-digit numbers with zeroes (for example, 7 becomes 07).


Inserts whatever you have in the Sidebar template.


Your time zone, as entered in Configuration.

{{weekbeginning[?]}}, {{weekending[?]}}

Pertains to the date at the beginning or ending of the current week, respectively; [?] can be any of the variables pertaining to days, months, years, or weekdays. For example, {{weekbeginningday}} would give the day at the beginning of the current week, and {{weekendingmonthword}} would give the name of the month for the day at the end of the week.

{{weekday}}, {{weekdayupper}}, {{weekdaylower}}, {{weekdayshort}}, {{weekdayuppershort}}, {{weekdaylowershort}}

Displays the name of the weekday; {{weekdayshort}} displays it abbreviated to three letters. The "upper" and "lower" variations for both are for displaying it in upper- or lowercase respectively. So for example, Thursday would be displayed by the variables like so, in the order they're listed above: Thursday, THURSDAY, thursday, Thu, THU, thu.

{{year}}, {{yearyear}}

Displays the number of the relevant year. {{year}} displays only the last two digits of the year, and {{yearyear}} the full year; so for example, 2001 would be displayed as "01" and "2001" respectively.