sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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. poetry of l.m. hutchings .


Sounds creepy. What is it?
"Based on an old parlor game, it was played by several people, each of whom would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal part of it, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution."

Go here to read all about what an Exquisite Corpse is. Trust me, there is nothing overly creepy about it.

How does it work?
Step One: You send me an email telling me you want to participate.
Step Two: I will gather all the participants into groups of about 4 to 6 people.
Step Three: The first person on the group list writes four lines of poetry.
Step Four: That person then sends the four lines to me.
Step Five: I send the last line of poetry to the next person on the list.
Step Six: The next person on the list then writes another four lines as a continuation of the line they were sent.
Step Seven: The second set of lines is sent to me and I continue with the process until everyone has added their lines.
Step Eight: The completed piece is posted here.

Confused Yet?
Another example:

Sample List of Particpants
- Bob
- Jane
- Lola
- Becky
- Mauve
- John

Bob writes his four lines and sends them to me.
- line one
- line two
- line three
- line four

I send line four to Jane.
Jane writes four lines of her own, continuing from Bob's line four.
Jane sends her four lines to me and I send Jane's line four to Lola.
And so on...

If you are still following me and think this might be a good idea then send me and email with your name and email address. You will hear from me when I have an ample sized group gathered.


? 2004 LM Hutchings