sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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Whole by YohannL
Yohann Lestat
14.01.2005 20:57
I've wanted to say this
three years before.
But I had to leave
to far away shores.

I wish I could stop
all of your pain
and now that i'm back
nothings the same.

sometimes we laugh
others we cry
but know just one thing
I'll love you till I die

Ever since that day
we met in that place
I live on cloud nine,
I float through space

I ask your forgiveness
dont leave me cold
'cause in your arms
I'm again whole.
18.01.2005 02:24
Yohann, thank you for shaing this very personal poem. I enjoyed it quite much! Great use of rythym.
Yohann Lestat
18.01.2005 12:35
Thanks Lee. we do what we can.
18.01.2005 15:54
Wow... I completely agree... Very Beautiful, Love... Couldn't have said it better myself...
Yohann Lestat
25.01.2005 22:15
Thanks Mandi. I'm glad You guys understand.
30.01.2005 16:12
That was amazing... Really touched me! Thanks for sharing that.
31.01.2005 12:25
Thanks for your imput always good to have a fan.Thx Tahra
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