sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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"Never Again" by Dewey C.
18.01.2005 16:20
I see your smiling face and glittering eyes in the moonlit sky.
A shooting star shoots across the sky.
You make a wish to never again cry, and to have and to hold that perfect guy.
A trickle of water runs down my face. It was a tear. I've let you down once.
I see deep into your heart, overflowing with love.
I now see tears in your eyes, as you walk away.
I whisper "Never again will I let that perfect girl go."
Another shooting star goes by and I walk a wish, not to lose you, or you me... I jump up and wrap my arms around you and say...
"Never Again..."
21.01.2005 23:33
This is a very touching vingette. I love the celestial references as though all things are possible among the stars.
27.01.2005 16:14
Touches home thanks
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