sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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Only in my dreams (english and spanish) by me
Aquarelita - BG
31.01.2005 15:40
Maybe someday
I'll forget the exact color of your eyes,
and the playful tone of your voice.
And I hope
that one of these days
your image won't come to my mind
every time I close my eyes...
because your eyes take me to another time,
to another place,
where you do love me...
where you never forgot me,
to that place
I'll find only in my dreams.

Solo en mis sueños

No sé si algún día lograre olvidar
el color exacto de tus ojos,
el tono gracioso de tu voz,
o si algún día cerraré los ojos
sin que tu recuerdo venga a mí
y me lleve a otro tiempo,
a otro lugar donde si me amas,
donde nunca me olvidaste...
a ese lugar,
que talvez nunca encontraré
afuera de mis sueños.
02.02.2005 13:32
I used to pray the same thing would happen to me... Thank you for sharing this gorgeous poem. I can really feel the emotion puring out of it. Excellent job. Keep it up.
Aquarelita - BG
03.02.2005 23:23
Thank you so much for that, Amanda!
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