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"It's all about the ending" by me
Aquarelita - BG
28.02.2005 14:16
[NOTE: I just wrote this. Not edited.]

You’re part of my story,
I can’t deny that I once loved you
and that I still think of you
from time to time.
Last night I heard a song
that reopened the wounds in my heart,
and my heart bled again…
The thought of you
almost made me cry
one more time.

I pictured you saying good-bye,
I thought of the perfect ending
for this never-ending trap.
Don’t you wonder how it’d be
if I had never left…
if I were by your side?
Don’t you think of me sometimes?
Am I somewhere in your story,
just like you’re in mine?
You thought of me as a child
that has nowhere else to go for help…
You thought I just made up a fairy tale,
you thought you were my prince,
you thought I didn’t know what I really wanted.
Here’s something new for you:
all I wanted was not to love you.
I wanted to escape your charm…
because I did see the truth;
I saw that we were not a possibility.

Time played with me again…
If we were not ten years apart in history
we’d be right for each other.
Or maybe that was my blessing,
maybe I wasn’t meant to give up all my dreams
just for you.

But I still wish I could fix the ending.
If I could only put an ending…
to this never-ending trap.
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