sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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Daddy by Tahra
09.03.2005 20:08

Daddy's not here,
He has gone to war.
I'm not supposed to know,
Because I'm only four.

My daddy's coming back,
Only two years have passed.
You think I would be happy,
'Cause he's coming back at last.

But you can't hug a box,
Or sit in it's lap.
It doesn't like trains,
And it smells a bit like sap.

He's coming back home,
But he's inside a box.
It might be coz of injury,
Or even small pox.

My daddy was a proud man,
But isn't any longer.
Dressed in a shroud called death,
My grief is getting stronger.

Daddy's not here,
He has gone to war.
I'm not supposed to know,
Because I'm only four.

* * * *

This was an english assignment at school, we had to write a poem based on war, and the effects, and this is what came out. It's rather close to my heart as my Great Grandad was a POW, and I loved him very much. Also because my dad's not here to share anything with me.
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