sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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The Apple by LM Hutchings (Lee)
21.12.2004 10:34
The Apple

Alone and searching through the black,
like the only soul on a stretching four lane highway
rimmed with trees that try to touch my face
through the open window frame of a car I cant remember buying.

Waiting without feeling or hope of ever knowing
the red and yellow heat of your pulse filled kiss
upon my lip glossed mouth.

I sit accepting, staring at a page
filled with blank and vapid words
which can never tell the tale of a hopeless heart
hidden beneath a shirt printed with the name of a band
that broke up ten years before.

By 3am the thick smoke from a hundred wasted breaths
fills the tiny blue-walled room where I once savored
of a fruit so forbidden as to never be tasted again.
18.01.2005 12:28
That was quit amazing a very vivd and metaphorical peom even if it wasn't ment to be.
20.01.2005 13:37
Yohann's right... This is one heck of a poem. Kudos to you, Lee!!!
21.01.2005 23:26
Thanks guys. I call this style vomitous poetry as it just seems to spew forth. I should probably come up with a not-so-disgusting term for it though. :)
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