sunday sonnet . exquisite corpse poetry
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Innocent Slanderer by Julie (me)
31.12.2004 18:20
I was looking for brushes and I found them (yay!) but I found this forum too and I like poetry so I thought I'd posted some of my musings too.

She'll walk the streets of her upper Manhattan flat
window shopping for perfumes and purses.
A true pauper if there ever was.
She's fashioned in design and gold, stiletto heels to boot,
her finger revealing a commitment till death do them part.
At bars the word is spread of "gold digger, minx, a whore."
Though, far worse, she's a killer oblivious to her crime.
Like a pawn she'll be played, and played, and played again,
only a pedal on his bike--a pleasure being rotated.
She€™s a face in the crowd of his fame, genteel, and glory.
She€™s a mistress to a manifesto of tangible wealth.
05.01.2005 08:55
Wow. This is evidence of an extensive vocabulary. :) I love it. I love the multiple use of gold and the line 'only a pedal on his bike'. Great line. Thanks for taking the time to post. This is wonderful.
18.01.2005 12:39
wonderful use or metaphores. This type of poem shows that the world truly has untapped potential.
I hope you found the right brush
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