Miscellany :: Forums
11 . 29 . 2003

12/01/2003 - 09:12 AM
OMG! I am so grateful for your site!!! I could not get html to work too well with blogger, and I don't know any javascript and very little CSS that I can write (not copy)
anyway, I just thought I'd put my address up so you can see how I modified your 'minimalist' template!
your site is the only thing I could find that did what I needed it to. Thanks for letting me use your template, and learn something in the process :)
anyway, I just thought I'd put my address up so you can see how I modified your 'minimalist' template!
your site is the only thing I could find that did what I needed it to. Thanks for letting me use your template, and learn something in the process :)
11/30/2003 - 06:36 AM
wow!!! I really like your website and you know how to work with Greymatter!...great! *two thumbs up*
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