Miscellany :: 1Greeneye F.A.Q.
11 . 22 . 2003

What are the terms of use of all 1GE downloads?

All brushes, templates, images, backgrounds, etc. are the original creative property of their maker and are not to be redistributed, sold, or passed of as your own. The brushes, templates, and backgrounds are indeed linkware, so visit the link back area to find graphics to use. A text link is also exceptable. Downloading anything means you agree to these terms.

Graphic art and other imagery is off limits for your personal use unless otherwise stated. All graphic art can be used as desktop images of course.

How do I install brushes?

- unzip files to brushes directory of graphics program.
- put only the .jbr/.abr files into the appropriate directory.
for psp(7): Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 7\Brushes
for ps(6): Adobe\Photoshop 6.0\Presets\Brushes

My brushes won't load. Can you help?

Do you have the correct version of the software? Paint Shop Pro 7 uses .jbr files. Photo Shop 6 uses .abr files. If you answered yes to that question try restarting your computer. If that doesn't work make sure you've installed them correctly using the steps listing above.

How do you make brushes?

These links will put you on the right track.
- PSP Links
- Photo Shop Tutorial from About.com
- Jen's Tutorial for PSP7{thanks}

Can you design a template for me or help me to customize one of your existing ones?

No. I'm very sorry, but I have so many real life issues going on that I just don't have the time to do customizing unless you're willing to pay at least $20.00US an hour. The going rate is about $35.00US for web design these days. To learn about html, css, and more go to Jessett.com

Where can I find a free image host for my Blogger powered blog?

I'm not sure what sites allow free image hosting these days. If anyone else knows, please use the comments form to let us know.


Thanks for visiting. I hope you've found some answers to your questions. If you have any other questions, not answered here, please feel free to send an email by using the contact link in the main menu.

I've been thinking of opening a forum for support and for showing off your own artwork. What do you think about this. Let me know using the comments form for this entry.



01/12/2004 - 04:35 PM
hey , i wanted to know if theres anyway i can add brushes to version 8 to PSP . i recently had PSP7 but it got deleted nd i only have version 8 and i really need to find an answer. thanks alot!

12/29/2003 - 03:42 AM
www.domainDLX.com is what I use for image hosting. It gives you an account with unlimited bandwidth and 100mb(image sharing enabled, whish means you can make a bunch of those online quizzies for me.... heheheh) It also lets you create websites, but there has to be a link on each page :\ otherwise it's pretty cool


12/15/2003 - 08:36 PM
great brushes, but what are the "terms of use" copyright credit rules?

11/28/2003 - 06:45 AM
Just wanted to let you know that I've finally had the time to work on my blog and i've linked back to you (if you don't mind)

Thanks for a very cool template...


11/26/2003 - 12:47 PM
I think that idea of the forum would be great!

11/25/2003 - 06:28 PM
two good image hosts are boomspeed.com and villagephotos.com

I wanted to let you know that on my website I used several of your brushes and I added your link to my site as well.


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the brush sets
name that brush contests
the 2003 Brush Advent Calendar

Digital Warhol; a digitized art experiment
lame but entertaining for those times when the internet just sucks the life out of you with its boring crap.
garbanzo for president in 2004
faux muse: fake bands for fun


Paintings & Sketchbook were accidently deleted. Be back soon, I hope.

Book of Shadows
Witch Child
No Death, No Fear
The Fifth Sacred Thing
Heaven and Earth

Buffy Re-runs
X-Files Re-runs
Queer Eye
Tru Calling

Goo Goo Dolls
Guano Apes
Once More w/Feeling

Return of the King
Kill Bill
The Last Samurai
Big Fish

diwiesign stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way lurid vision stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way triberadio stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way photobreed stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way thanks noah! - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way brush search by vered - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way where i buy my space - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way pix pics stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way evil 4 dummies affiliate - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way just mango affiliate - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way cosmic oranges affiliate - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way celaine poetry workshop - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way witchvox - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way radio buffy - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way pagan voice - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way brushmania - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way degrunge - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way hive intelligence - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way buffy - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way indie films - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way creative - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way digital delight - vbrush fanlisting - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way vbrush - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way abnormis stock - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way backgrounds.cc - yes, this is intentionally funny sized this way

? 2003 LMH !

use it if you want it - find more at this link

listen to a few of my favorite songs while you surf around the site

She Cries Your Name/Beth Orton
:: web :: buy
The Very Thought of You/Billie Holiday
:: web :: buy
Pretty in Scarlet/Guano Apes
:: web :: buy
:: web :: buy
Nora Jones/Don't Know Why
:: web :: buy

the mirror project