Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Poetry By Chase
A lovely and talented person named Chase sent me some fantastic poetry along with the letter written below. I have uploaded his poems here. I suggest you have a look at them as they are wonderful. You may leave Chase feedback with the comments link for this entry. Thanks Chase. I enjoyed your work. Keep writing.
Hey Lee,
I just found your website and spent about 2 hours last night downloading your brushes and exploring the site. I must say your site is the best I have seen on the internet. The brushes are priceless. I noticed that you had some poems on the site also and was wondering if I could submit some of my own poems that I wrote. Here are some of mine. (I put them in a word doc so it would be easier for you to read.) I wasn't exactly sure where you got the poems on the site but was just curious if I could add some if you liked them.
chase millhollen
Wandering Through An Old Notebook
(also posted in main blog)
I was flipping through an old, beaten up notebook of mine toady when I found the following interesting passages. Oh, so maybe it's not that old. I think it's from a couple years ago at the most. Anyway - here are the rough drafts and unfinished things I found.
Your eyes are telling me secrets that your heart can not reach.
Too intent on lonliness for the misery to ever cease.
Holding on too tight with fear for a friend.
Catapulting with delight on the thought of ever-after once again.
Be still little ray of hope,
Don't grow to be so large
That your owner won't
allow reality to shine its light.
Without that constant - you will cease to exist.
Cry for the young one who knew life so short a time.
Morn for the beautiful as they fade away from the light.
Weep for the memories and hold tight to your past...
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
She breathes him in like smoke on the wind that blows through her broken wings.
She's lost her way now. Only stopped to rest for a moment and the map fell through her hands.
Maybe she'll try the southern wind this time. Perhaps it will show her fair weather and days filled with kissable sunlight.
Or maybe the north will call her back again, close to the lakes and snow covered forests where her heart made a home once before.
She could just close her eyes and let the zephyrs guide her along like driftwood in an endless ocean, pulled by the desires of the moon.
But without him she would never have learned how to fly at all. She would not have grown beautiful wings which took her high into the sky.
So she'll stay in the storm and wait for her wings to heal again. She'll look for the stars every night and grow old in his arms. Then one day they'll fly away together, laughing as the breeze tickles their toes.
Soul Placation
Drink in all you can.
The world isn't waiting
For you to understand
What awaits the day of man.
Hold a piece of nothing,
Revere it for its simple grace.
The edge is steep and hard to climb.
Stay back, bask in the sun and smile.
Feel something unseen,
Taste the pomegranate,
Full of juice and bittersweet.
Find the laugh in every day.
Do you know what you're looking for?
Can you put it into words?
A little piece of time
Untouched by reality?
Will you tell me your secrets?
And waste away forever in a day?
Will you hold onto everything
Then stop to placate my soul
If only for a while?
Watching time wander hourlessly
In a world of circumstantial everything
I pace myself accordingly
Partaking of another day
While a tune floats between my ears
The nights get cold
And I feel the endlessness
Of working next to insomnia
No rest for the wicked
Only a haunted hue of green instead
My imagination runs without a winded breath
I try to keep up
Wondering if I'm destined to fade
And still the tume I hum
Constant lullaby knocking on my door
I try to be the good girl
Who says the right thing
Who looks the right way
Who never screws up
Who wants to be perfect
I don't even like that song
Move Me
Make me smile
Make me cry
Show me your passion
Show me your soul
Speak in words
Speak in visions
Play with music
Play with me
Turn on my light
Turn on my mind
Teach me life
Teach me love
Give me more
Give me more!
Random Meditation 1
Her voice moves on the wind
And her touch comes with the storm.
Her heart beats with the earth
In the same ancient rythyms.
She knows me by name,
Loves me by nature,
And holds my hand unconditionally.
Narcoleptic Existence
Constant fight
Breathing every minute
Passing time
Sleeping Life Away
Moment by Moment
Narcoleptic existence
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Forgotten Kiss
His fingers move of slight,
Playing with a promise.
I watch him, wondering.
Does he remember?
Can he ever understand?
Will this be forever?
Will I one day continue the search,
And want to travel on
To find the completeness
I once knew in his arms?
We brought life to our world.
Once, we lived in unison.
Now these separate darknesses
Keep us from seeing one another.
Like roses, picked to young,
Will we shrivel without the full light of The Sun?
Or can we blossom through the seasons,
Always to thrive after the frosty cold?
What do The Fates have planned for us?
Are there methods behind this madness?
Can you see us from afar,
Wandering always,
Forever questioning?
Until one day, a kiss changes everything.
picking up the pieces of your shattered heart
as you try to stay alive
is it me who feels the pain of life
and all it's fractures of need and grief
drifting through the haze
of fear and disillusion
trying to make sense
of what it all means
i can't see the answers anymore
is the pain just in my head
or has the light gone out
try to see the way to all
that i have lost
i can't hear the voices anymore
feel the absolution
to all that has been found
i can't feel the warmth anymore
picking up the peices
of your shattered dreams
how will i breathe tomorrow
if i can't feel the pain anymore
Why Dream

I wanted to paint crazy pictures
And be mesmerized my the movements
Of the Moon and Her faces
As time wafts by unaware.
I wanted to be loved by the stars
And remembered by the songs
Of the Ocean and it’s people
As the world ever spins on it’s axis.
I wanted to count passing cars
And await breaking storms
Of impatient summer days and their sunsets
As perpetual motion tries to keep up.
I wanted to learn another language
And envision steamy nights
Of exotic locations and smiling faces
As the seasons become one with another.
I wanted to fly with the clouds
And dance with the wind
Of all four directions and sections
As babies are born into love.
I wanted to help sickly creatures
And nurse the ancient rythyms
Of the Earth and her children
As the circle continues without me.
Under the Rose

Sweet smelling mystery,
Soft curves of deepest red,
Dew resting in petal cups,
Smooth china flower above the bed.
A secret safely kept
Beneath the sheets
Sweet mingling
Dark lilac kisses
Skin running slick
Unable to resist
sub rosa \suhb-ROH-zuh\, adverb:
Secretly; privately; confidentially.
sub rosa, adjective:
Designed to be secret or confidential; secretive; private.
Her heart was pounding as she stepped up to the front porch. The door lingered in front of her hesitant fingertips. He was waiting for her - knew she would come. The door slid on quiet hinges to reveal the smile upon his playful lips and silent intentions in his eyes. As she walked into his room there was the faint smell of smoking incense and the unmistakable aroma of the rose tied to a nail above his bed.
"Sub Rosa," she whispered as his arms were suddenly around her waist and pulling her body closer to his own.
His lips moved toward her neck making her knees weaken beneath her. She had waited so long - fantasized about this very moment for an imagined eternity. There was no way to resist it.
They were creating a secret that must be hidden from so many. It was a secret capable of wounding their souls, bonding them forever. All they wanted was one night under the rose.
Thankyou Aquarelita for holding onto these. I didn't have any copies myself and they would've been lost.
There isn't much here yet since I have to retype all of my old poetry since the computer crash ate it. I'm afraid there may be a few that are gone forever. Hopefully I can retrive most of them from the old papers I have laying around...
Walk on afterwards without a backward glance.
You've made your choice, voiced you inner imagery,
And stolen more than one home plate in your time.
You can't resist things that sparkle in the moonlight.
I want to arrest your heart, but you could care less.
I want something about me to be special to that place in you head.
Fallen faces in the dark, losing battles with the stars.
Will I be special when my arms are tied behind my back
And the lonliness returns without mercy?
I'll wait to feel the water on my thighs
And never steel another glance at the stars
If only I could be the one who knows your secrets.