Miscellany :: Lost and Delirious Fanlisting
02 . 07 . 2003
Look to the left to see the newest addition to 1ge. It's a fanlisting for the film Lost and Delirious starring Piper Perabo. So, if you've seen this movie and are a fan of it - go join the listing.
Also note that The Fanlistings has a new home at http://www.thefanlistings.org. All of the fanlistings at 1greeneye.net are part of The Fanlistings Network.

Lost and Delirious
11/17/2003 - 11:56 AM
I really luv the movie! It's really great especially when Piper and Mischa in it! I can related with the character Mouse in that movie... It's one of the best movie ever! It's was really sad especially in the end...it's got me depressed and in tears!
06/18/2003 - 04:10 AM
Liked the movie very much but it made me really depressed. It's made exactly like a tragedy, the relationship in the beginning seems so pure and so free that you think nothing bad can happen, but then it just goes worst and worst until the end.
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