Know-How :: Help with Html and more...
02 . 11 . 2003
CLICK HERE FOR:: HTML Basics, Font attributes, and how to get that colored scroll bar thing...
Find an html tag library, help with css, and a ton more info here at jessett.com I highly recommend this fantastic, well organized site for all of your web building needs.
12/11/2003 - 03:17 AM
give me pleaze....
07/14/2003 - 01:08 PM
I been thinking of makeing a site... I know some html but only Diaryland stuff, and I don't know what to do when I should upload it all if you understand what I'm talking about... should I use some program or something? I'm no good at this so I just need a really easy explanation becuas this isen't my strong side...
04/14/2003 - 11:39 PM
Hi there Minnie,
Sorry, but I do not use WYSIWYG editors like frontpage. I code my templates by hand from straight html and css. I wish I could help. You may try searching for some help on the net through Google or other search engines.
Sorry, but I do not use WYSIWYG editors like frontpage. I code my templates by hand from straight html and css. I wish I could help. You may try searching for some help on the net through Google or other search engines.
04/10/2003 - 10:38 PM
after i download templates....my computer automatically openes frontpage 2002. after that, it has the html coding...how can i see the template? and start adding things on there? do i have to do it manually by typing in the html code?
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