Brushes :: Seattle Gridwork
02 . 21 . 2003
Instead of showing you the brushes alone, I decided to demonstrate what can be done with them. This set consisits of various grids ranging from clean and simple to torn and faded. Photo found at photobreed.

11/21/2003 - 10:49 PM
Wow! This brush set is so useful! And all your brushes are very gorgeous! You're a brush goddess! =)
10/13/2003 - 10:12 PM
It should be fixed and ready for download now. Sorry guys.
10/13/2003 - 04:59 PM
Eh, I got tthe "sexual geometry" one too :P
10/12/2003 - 08:37 PM
o_o Not sure if it's supposed to be this but...when I clicked on PS for this particular brush set, I got the "sexual geometry" one instead. O_o;;
09/27/2003 - 03:33 PM
Great Site! Great brushes... found you through V-Brush. thanks for sharing these! :)
08/05/2003 - 01:01 AM
and this one.
06/28/2003 - 02:20 PM
WoaH! This brush is so great! All of 'em are! I LUV this site :)
04/26/2003 - 08:07 AM
You have beautiful brush sets. Just wanted to let you know :-)
03/13/2003 - 12:44 AM
Thanks. I think... though I'm completely confused. Glad you liked the brushes. :)
03/12/2003 - 03:35 PM
Woo.. perty brush set. Patty you're the [hick] on my sandwhich, oh Patty you're the...eh... anyhow... this is the most pertiest brush i've ever um.... well... one of the most pertiest brushes i've ever seen....or.....soemthing like that. woot.
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