Brushes :: Love Bites
02 . 26 . 2003

Hey there all you fool's for love! Here is that grungy hearts and love set I told you was coming up. TOo bad it's too late for Valentine's Day. Enjoy it anyway.

download for photoshop6 download for psp



08/05/2003 - 12:57 AM
just wanted to let you know that dl this brush. um. thats it.p peace.


04/14/2003 - 11:37 PM
I know nothing about Fireworks or if PS/PSP brushes work for the program. Sorry.


04/10/2003 - 09:48 AM
Are there gonna be brushes for Fireworks? Or do the PS brushes work on it?

03/16/2003 - 10:45 PM
Cool Stuff

03/06/2003 - 11:16 PM
My name is Lee, and I an the owner of this domain. Thanks very much for visiting and for leaving a comment.

While I think your intentions are honorable, I think smoking is a personal choice. I do believe that children and teens should be urged not to smoke, but adults of sound mind have the knowledge to make their own decisions. I believe if a person chooses to smoke, knowing the risks (which everyone in this century knows) then it should not be anyone else's business. People are given free will to think for themselves.

I feel smokers are wrongly seen as second class citizens. Over at least the past fifty years the dangers of smoking have been known. There are at least a half dozen methods in which to quit. If you want to quit, you can. If you don't want to quit, then you won't.

I am sorry people get cancer fron smoking, but I have a grandfather who is dying of cancer who was never a smoker. He is only in his sixties. I also have a grandmother who is healthy as an ox and has been smoking for almost 50 years. I think there are individuals who are born to get cancer.

I could go on into dying and the theology of such things, but I won't bore all of you with that.

Again, thanks for the comment and may you be successful in all of your endeavors.


03/06/2003 - 03:20 AM
Came to your site from Rome, Italy, by BlogSnob.
I am a new comer. My site is done all of it by myself.
Please, have a look and give me suggestions. And, if you agree with my aims, link it on your .
Thanks and see you soon

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Digital Warhol; a digitized art experiment
lame but entertaining for those times when the internet just sucks the life out of you with its boring crap.
garbanzo for president in 2004


Paintings & Sketchbook were accidently deleted. Be back soon, I hope.

Book of Shadows
Witch Child
No Death, No Fear
The Fifth Sacred Thing
Heaven and Earth

Buffy Re-runs
X-Files Re-runs
Queer Eye
Tru Calling

Goo Goo Dolls
Guano Apes
Once More w/Feeling

Return of the King
Kill Bill
The Last Samurai
Big Fish

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? 2003 LMH !

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The Xtians & the Pagans/Dar Williams
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Happy Xmas(War is Over)/Lennon
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Santa Claus is Coming.../Springsteen
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