Templates :: Threefold
03 . 13 . 2003

This template comes with eight switchable stylesheets. Choose your favorites or use them all. Download the zip file containing all style sheets and the style switcher script here.




12/30/2003 - 07:15 AM
Hello, I love your templates. Thank you so much for them. But can't seem to get them to work on my blogger site. What must I do to get it going?

12/26/2003 - 05:44 AM

Just wanna say thanks for all of those really beautiful templates. I loved all of them.

Thanks again,

12/16/2003 - 12:38 AM
I'm sorry, but I know nothing about moveable type at all. It sounds like there is not link to the style sheet in your pages, but I can't be sure. Can anyone else who might know MT help with this one?


12/15/2003 - 11:05 PM
I love your site! I think your threefold template will be perfect for my use. However, I have downloaded the zip file and uploaded the css to my MT site but there is no color or really any format to my page. I am very new at this and wonder if there is something missing from the download or if I'm just totally beyond help. ;D Any suggestions would be appreciated.

12/10/2003 - 11:44 PM
Hi, I just wanted to let you know I took this design, and say thanks. Thanks!


12/06/2003 - 12:30 AM
I have downloaded this template and it looks very nice :). Thanks a lot. But I have problem to change the header table color. I mean the upmost table. Anybody have any suggestion?

shooting star

12/03/2003 - 08:27 PM
thankyou, i love threefold.
i hope you are well and not working too hard. i have been looking for this template for a while. i have seen a site which i think uses it nomilk blogger and i tried for days to make my own.
threefold is the one for me.
can you tell me please how i download it and does it fit with blogger?

with respect from marion

12/01/2003 - 07:02 AM
Hi! I'm using this template in my sort-of-blog ;p but with a stylesheet of my own. I really like it and I thank you for making and distributing it. Greetings from Spain!

11/04/2003 - 10:04 PM
*sigh* Just figured it out...sorry for the earlier post...

11/04/2003 - 09:59 PM
Hi, I love the threefold template and wondering how I go about downloading it? The other templates had a "download" link...this doesn't...it could just be my oversight...

09/27/2003 - 10:31 PM
Yay! I Finally found what I was looking for. I've looked a long time for great stylesheet css codes that work well with MT! Wow...fabulous. Thanks!!
Your site is tops.

08/26/2003 - 08:10 AM
Love your template! It's just what I was looking for. Thanks a bunch.

05/23/2003 - 12:45 PM
I love your templates, especially threefold, and would very much like to use it on my site but I need instructions on how to adapt it for use with blogger. Thanks very much.

05/11/2003 - 08:21 PM
actually... i've figured it out on my own. and now that it's fixed - it looks damn good! thanks for making such an awesome template! - violet

05/11/2003 - 06:16 PM
i have fallen hard for your threefold template. and i also love your other templates,but threefold is holding rank. but i am having a serious problem installing the template. i uploaded everything to my ftp and i left some of your notes in the source so that i can go back and install what i need to. could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong? oh yeah, let me make mention that i'm a newbie, but not that bad off.

04/27/2003 - 11:12 PM
Love the "threefold" template. Works beautifully on my blog page -- thanks!


04/18/2003 - 12:15 PM
I downloaded your script (love it) but I can't get it to work in GM either.

04/03/2003 - 12:39 AM
Hey, I've been to many template websites but none as good as yours!! The templates on here are absolutely amazing. The content, graphics and the whole thing basically is just amazing! I would definitely like to use one of your templates!!! I'll definitely be giving you credit!! Great job!! Keep it up!!!

03/31/2003 - 03:14 PM
These templates are AWESOME!!!! I love the navy one :)

03/31/2003 - 01:15 AM
I wanted to thank you for making such wonderful templates for people to use. I just downloaded the threefold template for use on my clan's website. Thankyou!

03/25/2003 - 02:03 PM
LOVE YOUR TEMPLATES! They are very clean and spunky!
Are the templates above for Greymatter as well? I download the file and inserted the CCS into my templates file - but I am not having any luck? Sorry if I'm lame - but I just don't get it.
Thank you:)

Angelique aka Greymatter newbie

03/20/2003 - 07:23 AM
hi, again. just to say thanks for getting back on my query so quickly, this was so simple i can see how i can easily change my template to use the other schemes if i ever wanted to. Bushra

03/18/2003 - 05:01 AM
hiya. excellent design, as i'm still finding my feet with css is there any way i can get a template with the css for one of the schemes (namely cadetred) included in the index.htm file? hope this makes some sense (!)

03/17/2003 - 05:11 AM

03/17/2003 - 05:09 AM

03/14/2003 - 03:03 AM
If you find that 100% values work for you, would you mind sending me a copy of the edited code? I have not been able to make it work that way, and still hold that same shape.



03/14/2003 - 02:59 AM
Thanks for stopping by. The problem is not the style sheet, but your resolution. Let me guess that you use 1024x768. I thought I had fixed this, but it must of been a mistake that snuck by during a redesign or something. If you go back to the "cools" download are you will find an edited version that works for all resolutions.

Thanks again,


03/14/2003 - 02:56 AM
Nevermind, I figured it out! You may want to set all the table width tags in the HTML of the code to read "100%" instead of "800." That solves the problem and makes it compatible with all monitor resolutions. Whew, took a while to figure that out!


03/14/2003 - 01:09 AM
Hey, I just downloaded your "cools" template. Only thing is (and you can see this in the preview), there seems to be a problem with the style sheet that causes the main right-hand border of the table to tab over about an inch. I'm using an up-to-date version of Explorer on XP, so I assume it's not me. I tried tweaking the code to fix it but I can't figure out what's causing it for the life of me. I'd like to use the template if it can be fixed. Help? : )


03/14/2003 - 01:08 AM
Hi there AGAIN. You have actually already hit this site with your advertising. While I hate repeating myself, I will paste my comments to your previous entry below. Thanks for stopping by, but I am not an anti-smoking activist.


My name is Lee, and I an the owner of this domain. Thanks very much for visiting and for leaving a comment.

While I think your intentions are honorable, I think smoking is a personal choice. I do believe that children and teens should be urged not to smoke, but adults of sound mind have the knowledge to make their own decisions. I believe if a person chooses to smoke, knowing the risks (which everyone in this century knows) then it should not be anyone else's business. People are given free will to think for themselves.

I feel smokers are wrongly seen as second class citizens. Over at least the past fifty years the dangers of smoking have been known. There are at least a half dozen methods in which to quit. If you want to quit, you can. If you don't want to quit, then you won't.

I am sorry people get cancer fron smoking, but I have a grandfather who is dying of cancer who was never a smoker. He is only in his sixties. I also have a grandmother who is healthy as an ox and has been smoking for almost 50 years. I think there are individuals who are born to get cancer.

I could go on into dying and the theology of such things, but I won't bore all of you with that.

Again, thanks for the comment and may you be successful in all of your endeavors.


03/13/2003 - 05:49 AM
Came to your site from Rome, Italy, by BlogSnob. I have made an anti-smoke site in Italian and in English. The Italian version is full of comments by visitors. The English one has no comments at all and much less visitors. I don€™t understand why.
Please, have a look of my site and give me suggestions. And, if you agree with my aims, link it on your .
Thanks and see you soon

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