Poetry :: Nomadic Lover
08 . 28 . 2003
Autumn is moving in again.
Her bags wait by the door.
I can smell her all around me,
And see her footprints on the floor.
Her hair is like early dusk,
Her eyes a wind swept sea.
We'll laugh together over breakfast
And wax poetic over tea.
When she smiles I'll smile too,
Then we'll giggle like little girls.
We'll relive the long ago memories,
Like the time I once had curls.
She'll kiss me every morning,
And touch my face late in the night,
Then she'll move along again,
Taking with her my warming light.
This time I'll tell her I'm in love
And try to win her heart,
Then maybe she'll stay with me
And we'll never be apart.
August 2003 Poetic Voices collab entry: An Ode
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