Wallpaper&GraphicArt :: Dear Diary
09 . 30 . 2003
Another wallpaper... this one is a little dark, but creation is the way to express those dark issues in a constructive way, right? Right. Anyway, it's yours for your personal use. Want to create a layout with a wallpaper - go ahead, just ask me first and give me credit.

10/04/2003 - 09:38 AM
p.s. I'm loving the Minimalist template... but the link is broken!! Is there any chance you could fix it? I promise to give you lots of linky love...
10/04/2003 - 09:25 AM
Beautiful designs-- the only trouble I'm having is deciding which template to use!
10/04/2003 - 02:11 AM
10/01/2003 - 07:42 PM
Wow your just an amazing artist. I too love art to death, and its just my life.. your poems are amazing too. I just thought id drop you a line and tell you that your site is wonderful, and keep up all the good things you are doing. -Steph
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