Miscellany :: Gathering My Strength
11 . 04 . 2003
Hey there. I'm going to be working on some new stuff soon. There was that period last month when there was something new every day. Well, there may be a little lull, but I'll be popping in with some new templates - hopefully soon. I know I haven't updated that section in forever, but I've been feeling inspired lately. Here's hoping that inspiration stays with me.
In the meantime - check out the brushes. There were a ton of additions during the last few weeks, some of which are probably my favorites to date. So, stay a while, have fun, and play nice. As always, your comments and feedback are appreciated. There is also a guestbook - look right - that you can sign if you get that lovin' feeling.
Oh, I also added a niftly splash page. Let me know what you think of it. I think it will keep me from doing major re-designs to the site if I can get creative with the front page every once and a while.
I'd like to see your artwork - the artwork you've made with the brushes or any artwork. Maybe we could do some brushy-type challenges around here. What do you think?
11/04/2003 - 06:59 AM
Wow- kindred spirit! I haven't come across anyone that's even heard of the Guano apes, let alone listens to them. Beautiful brushes too, spanks!
11/04/2003 - 06:57 AM
Wow- kindred spirit! I haven't come across anyone that's even heard of the Guano apes, let alone listens to them. Beautiful brushes too, spanks!
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