Miscellany :: My Birthday Camera!
12 . 13 . 2003
My mother, who should be sainted, gave me my first digital camera for my birthday today! I've already been taking pictures and I hope to eventually offer some nice stock for you guys or at the very least some interesting artistic photos. I'm very excited and, as you can see, I've already submitted an image or two to the Mirror Project. You can see the few I've taken at the bottom right.
I want to say thanks to everyone who wished me a happy day. My daughter drew me a lovely picture inside my card and baked me a vanilla/vanilla cake - my favorite. She even wrote on it with green frosting with a little help from my mom. Hubby brought home roses and has promised to take me out shopping tomorrow. Yay!
12/15/2003 - 09:55 PM
A husband who gives roses A man who gives roses
Lucky you
and happy photo taking
Lucky you
and happy photo taking
12/15/2003 - 10:07 AM
Hey! I'm glad you had a great day! And those pics are good!!! Congrats~!
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