Coven of Sangha-Sho
Based in Rochester, NY - The Coven of Sangha-Sho is a spiritual group that was established on Yule of 2003. We continue to grow and evolve over the years, both as a group and also as a presence in the Wiccan Community.
Temple of the Azure Lotus
Established on Lammas 2002, Temple of the Azure Lotus is a Neo-Egyptian tradition coven based in Rochester, NY.
NEC of W.I.C.C.A.
The mission of Northeast Council of W.I.C.C.A. is to collectively weave a stronger web, both among the pagan communities - and between these cultures and others who journey a different path.
Rochester Pagan Pride
Homepage for our local Pagan Pride Festival.
Rochester Witches Meetup
Rochester Witches gather every fourth Tuesday of the month. This site will keep you informed on all future meetups. Also see the Yahoo! group at
Psychic's Thyme
A New Age bookstore and learning center. You can come to our shop and find books on almost any new-age subject, as well as specialty gifts and tools. If you need more "hands on" learning and experience, we can point you in the right direction. We are here to help you get in touch with your spiritual needs.
The Witches' Voice
They're not exactly local but this is perhaps the best site for Pagan/Wiccan information on the net. Check out their Witches of the World section under New York for more ways to network. One of our favorite daily haunts.