slayer: a twist of fate
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Well, I Guess This is the End

After a series of events and bizarre disappearances (mine included) I am calling this game finished. It seems that we no longer have any relationships established as players and we have lost all of the original and crucial characters over the course of the last few months. I am overwhelmingly sorry to see it has come to an end, but I am grateful for the good times we had in the beginging. Remember what it was like to want to check your mail or the boards all day just to see if someone else had posted?

I've never had net friends before and now the ones I had are gone. I will miss you all. And Kevin - it was fun while it lasted. If you want the game to continue, the reins are yours again. I wish you all the best and thank you for the laughs you clever slag.

If you're still looking for a game to play check out LA By Night below. They are a very nice group over there and have the ability to stand the test of time. Kudos Dave. Thanks for the advice and tech help.

Best of Luck to Everyone,

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