slayer: a twist of fate
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EXTRAS ? Downloads and Desktops . Fun and Quizzes . Links Database . Fan Fiction Archive . Buffy News
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:: Lee ::

Lee is the owner of the webspace where the boards are hosted - for which we are all eternally thankful - and as well as being one third of the administration team, she also deals with character applications. She is also extremely good with graphics and web-design (just look at Twisted Fates and try to disagree with me!) She also owns Twisted Fates. And even after all this, she still finds the time to play Aleigh in the game.

:: Kevin ::

Kevin maintains the S:ATOF homepage and makes up the final of three administrators of the boards. Also came up with the original concept for the game, which the players have helped turn into a really enjoyable experience. Now also back in the old job of news guy!

Thanks to...

Just a few words of thanks must be made to some people. Firstly, Lee, for allowing the game to evolve in the way it has. Without her, this game would still be an ugly little thing.

Then we have Jen, who I personally have to thank for keeping me interested in the game and giving me the motivation to get it started. Your enthusiasm is catching! I would also like to thank Danica and Mita for making up the first group of players on the opening of the game.

And of course, I must thank Joss Whedon. Without his creation, we wouldn't be here today.

A little addition to the thanks section... thank you Jen for creating such a wonderful character in Blossom. You will be sorely missed.


The shows "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" and their characters, events and mythology, all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Kuzui Enterprises and Sandollar. This website, its content and its authors are in no way connected to any of these bodies and all relation to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" is unauthorised.

Game ? Home . Rules . Apply . Characters . The Story . Timeline . Game Boards . Staff . Player Chat
EXTRAS ? Downloads and Desktops . Fun and Quizzes . Links Database . Fan Fiction Archive . Buffy News
?2003 1greeneye Design