Ash, at his apartment in London studying for exams, learns that his soul-mate, Hope, has been found. Dead.
Blossom, the Slayer, stands at the door of her sister Jordan's New York apartment, with the intent of moving in.
Blossom's sister Jordan is less-than-happy to see her as the sisters are reunited.
Aura overhears Blossom and Jordan's reuinion and introduces herself to Blossom.
Aleigh walks down the streets of New York, before entering a club, The Red Attic, after reading a notice concerning a weekly amatuer art show.
Ash walks down the streets of New York, faced with the possibility that the news of Hope's death was all a joke. He enters The Red Attic to drown his sorrows.
Blossom and Jordan find that they do, indeed have something in common.
Aura welcomes Blossom to New York and leaves the flat at night, armed with some stakes.
Blossom patrols Central Park, fights some vampires and is confronted by a mysterious force which warns her: Trust not the one with prints of love for he reigns on the side of evil.
Unknown to Blossom, Aura witnesses her slaying the vampires at Central Park, as well as the strange energy. She uses her magick to save Blossom from a vampire, and wonders at the possibility of Blossom being a Slayer.
Aleigh enters The Red Attic intent on getting her work displayed at the art show, but is downhearted she is told to come back on Tuesday. Aleigh is approached by an agitated Ash as she sits down for a drink.
Ash takes a seat in The Red Attic to drown his sorrows, when the appearance of Aleigh prompts him to consider the possibility that she is somehow connected to his coming here.
Aleigh and Ash's first meeting doesn't exactly go smoothly as tensions mount between the strangers.
Blossom sees a figure she thinks is Aura, but who dissappears before she can confirm this. A mysterious stranger watches Blossom from the shadows.
Aura is pursued by a vampire called Tommy - her old best friend.
Aura visits Madame Marie's magick shop.
Upon leaving The Red Attic, Aleigh is mentally attacked by a strange magickal energy - but manages to overwhelm it.
Ash and Blossom bump into one another (literally) and Blossom offers Ash a place to stay.
Ash has a dream about Hope - with an enigmatic, and not totally unfamiliar message.
Aleigh's Grandmother warns her of a coming evil which she will have to face. She informs her she will need to find "the missing piece."
Aleigh tries to make sense of her dream and determines to locate the British guy she met earlier that evening - Ash.
Aura tries to find out more about the Slayer from Madame Marie's magick shop.
Seven years earlier, Ash and Hope try to deal with some unknown circumstance which saw Ash reevaluating his relationship with Hope.
Seeing Arrow outside the apartment brings back memories of how he was taken away from Aura in the first place.
Blossom introduces Ash to Aura and, after a typical display of character, to Jordan.
Aura dreams of Tommy being human once again.
Aleigh, out searching for Ash, is followed and confronted by a stranger.
Aleigh's attacker manages to get away before she has a chance to catch a glimpse of him. Ash and Blossom, out for a walk, find and help Aleigh (to the concern of Ash) and following a revealing conversation, decide they have things to talk over.
Eileen Falco, employee of the Bankruptcy Division of the Manhattan offices of Wolfram & Hart, has an encounter with fellow employee, Rhys Fychan.
Rhys, having returned home, recieves an interesting communication from a fellow Watcher, Arnold Chen, concerning strange phenomena that seems to be affecting those in line to act as Watcher to Blossom. He recieves a request to keep an eye on the girl.
A brief encounter with Tommy leaves Aura confused about her feelings towards him.
On returning to the apartment, Aura learns that her sister, Destiny, will be coming to stay soon.
Rhys is contacted by the Home Office and is instructed to "save" Blossom from the hoards they have sent to kill her.
Jordan, alone at the apartment after Ash and Blossom leave, reflects on a past secret and we find out that all isn't a bed of roses in her life.
Aura worries about telling Jordan that Destiny is coming to stay.
Rhys, out for a jog, meets an old "acquaintance", prompting an examination of the key event that made him what he is today.
Revelations abound as Aleigh, Blossom and Ash's trip to the coffee-shop brings Blossom's secret out into the open. Ash decides to return home to London.
Landon Madini, basking in the success of Sheridan Software, remembers the girl who made it all possible for him: Jordan.
Destiny arrives in NYC and is met by Tommy.
Blossom is in serious danger when she is attacked by a large group of vampires and a couple of Mohra demons - until Rhys intervenes.
Hannah meets a new neighbour, Vox (Jason). She determines to find the Slayer after hearing of her presence in the city from a vampire.
Aleigh and Rhys meet - but don't exactly end up becoming friends.
Ash, at home in Bath, remembers a defining moment in his and Hope's relationship.
Ash pays a late night visit to the Green household with shocking consequences.
At the police station, Ash and Mr Green manage to get the oppertunity to talk.
Two vampires are pursued by a mysterious assailant.
Destiny and Aura meet a tragic end. Tommy delivers a message to Blossom.
An injured Blossom goes to the only person she can trust, Aliegh.
Koshchei explains his plans for the Slayer to the Master and the Annointed One.
Two months later: Ash finds himself lost in New York and is attacked by a vampire.
Erin Lucas, in her job at Mount Sinai Medical Centre, makes a startling discoery about herself.
A late night training session for young Slayer Blossom reveals how much the Slayer has yet to learn about her role.
Ash awakes alone in the alley.
Az's intervention to save a potential "victim" brings about his meeting of the Slayer and her team.