slayer: a twist of fate
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Slayer: A Twist of Fate - Timeline of Events

The below timeline details all events from Slayer: A Twist Of Fate. It is a handy guide for new members to familiarise themselves with our mythology and can also be used by players to track their life paths and as a handy guide for dates and keeping track of the time of year in-game.

:: Rhys is born in Gwynedd, Wales - son of an incubus and a human noblewoman.


:: Rhys is sent to a monestary in North Wales, where the monks try unsucessfully to teach him to live a life devoted to God.


:: Rhys, on travels with an older monk, loses his companion to a highwayman. In his rage, he experiences his first demonic manifestation and kills the highwayman. Rhys realises that he is not at all an ordinary human.

30 Decenmber 1643

:: Hannah Saga Andersson is born just outside Stockholm, Sweden.

10 December 1647

:: In Tulchin, Polish Ukraine, Rhys - under the name Reuven - informs then Slayer, Tzirel that he will be leaving.

December 1647

:: An agreement with his incubus father to keep Tzirel and her people safe leads to Rhys' coming into service.

June 1648

:: The Chmielniki massacre begins. Sometime during it's ten year duration, the town of Tulchin is devastated, with a third of it's population dying in the fighting. Tzirel goes missing, but a body is never recovered.


:: Hannah's parents are killed by vampires but she and her brother, Simeon, manage to escape.

December 1892

:: Mia is born in London.

December ????

:: Mia is vamped by a vampire called Spike. She moves to America.


:: Mia's soul is returned to her for reasons unknown.


:: Hannah and Simeon reach American shores and in time, New York. They have an argument over whether or not to settle down there which is ended when they decide to go their seperate ways; Hannah stays in NYC and Simeon leaves to explore America.


:: Alexander Green is born in Scotland.


:: Hannah is captured by the vampire Egon


:: Mr and Mrs Collins emigrate from Ireland to America.


:: Alexander attends Cambridge to study History.


:: Jordan Sheridan is born in Wilmington, North Carolina.

:: Alexander recieves word that his father has died and bequethed him a large amount of strange texts.

December 1973

:: Monroe Collins dies while his wife is pregnant.

:: Aleigh Monroe Collins is born in Erie, Pennsylvania.

December 1975

:: Hannah is freed from her incarceration by the Slayer and Simeon.

December 1976

:: Alexander drops out of Cambridge and seeks out the Watcher's Council.

:: Alexander joins the Watcher's Council

April 1976

:: Aura Elizabeth Starr is born in Philidelphia.


:: Ash is born in Bath, England.

:: Ash is placed with foster parents after his own ones abandon him.

:: Alexander marries Marian after discovering she is pregnant.

:: Hope Green is born in Cambridge.


:: Azariah Miller is born in Seattle, USA, born to Slayer Judith Miller and her Watcher Daniel Jones.

Feburary 1980

:: Blossom Sheridan is born in Wilmington, North Carolina.


:: Hope and her family move next door to Ash's Bath home and Hope and Ash become friends.

December 1986

:: Aura first discovers she has psychic powers.


:: Azariah is exposed to his mother's world of vampire-slaying for the first time while on a night out with his parents.


:: Tommy (Arrow) starts practicing magick and teaches Aura what he knows.

:: Aura starts practicing magick.


:: Ash and Hope stumble upon the secret library of Hope's father.

November 1990

:: Ash confronts Hope about their recent abuse of power.

:: A mysterious death in the area prompts Hope and Ash to reveal their dabbling with magick to Hope's father. He reveals he is a member of the Watcher's Council.


:: Rhys travels to London and applies (successfully) to become a member of the Watcher's Council.


:: Aleigh goes to London to apply to be in the Watchers Council.

:: Aleigh is accepted at the Watcher's Council and begins training.

:: Tommy (Arrow) is vamped as he and Aura walk home from a night out to see The Rocky Horror Show.

28 February 1993

:: Aleigh, on her way back to her flat, is met by Sean Adlam of the Woodrick Society. He reveals to her one of their many past lives together. Fate has brought them together once more.

:: Aleigh and Sean decide to visit Paris.

:: The couple are confronted by a strange red gas type entity which warns them time is running out.

28 June 1993

:: After mistakingly allowing vampires to overpower him, Azariah is forced to watch as they kill his father, Daniel Jones. Judith is vamped and in a ritual using the vampiric-Slayer's blood, Azariah is turned into the Dayspring.

:: Azariah escapes the clutches of the cult and escapes to New York.


:: Aura leaves Philidelphia and heads to New York City.

:: Tommy (Arrow) follows Aura to New York City.

:: Aura moves in with Jordan.

September 1994

:: Jordan recives a letter from a Willow Rosenberg, who claims to be her daughter.


:: Ash and Hope move to London and get an apartment together.


:: Hope dissappears.

:: Ash decides to go to college.

October 1996

:: As the end of Aleigh's third year's training at the Watcher's Council nears, her grandmother falls ill.

:: Aleigh returns home to look after her grandmother.

January 1997

:: Aleigh's grandmother succumbs to her illness and passes away.


:: Under order of his father, Rhys is working with the New York division of Wolfram & Hart while at the still holding down a position with the Watcher's Council.

Juen 1997

:: Buffy dies at the hands of the Master.

:: The next Slayer in line is called - Blossom. :: Aleigh moves to New York City to pursue her art career.

:: Rhys recieves an e-mail from the California branch of Wolfram & Hart informing him that Buffy is dead and instructing him to "locate and observe" the new Slayer.

July 1997

::Augustus Wilder, Blossom's Watcher, is turned into a vegetable by a vengence demon.

:: Blossom attends therapy after being sent there by her worried mother.

26 July 1997

:: Lenore Hoch takes Augustus Wilder's place as Blossom's Watcher.

28 July 1997

:: Lenore develop's trouble with her heart and goes to hospital where she undergoes a series of tests.

5 August 1997

:: Lenore checks out of hospital after and dies mysteriously the same day.

8 August 1997

::Rick Lafcadio follows from the deceased Lenore Hoch as Blossom's Watcher.

15 August 1997

:: Ash recieves a call at his London apartment informing him Hope has died.

16 August 1997

:: Blossom goes to live with Jordan in New York. The pair are reunited after an initial tension between them.

:: Blossom and Aura meet for the first time at Jordan's apartment.

:: Ash travels to New York to meet Hope's parents but finds it has all been a hoax.

:: A confused Ash heads to The Red Attic to gather his thoughts.

:: Aleigh accidently "reads" Ash on her way into The Red Attic to inquire about it's art show.

:: Ash and Aleigh's first meeting inside the bar doesn't go too well as Ash feels Aleigh reading him and doesn't like it.

:: Blossom heads out to patrol in New York for the first time.

:: Aura heads out into the night with armed with some stakes.

:: Blossom encounters some vampires in Central Park and is confronted by a strange energy.

:: Aura witnesses Blossom killing the vampires and wonders at the possibility she is the Slayer. She also witnesses the strange energy.

:: Blossom thinks she sees Aura watching her at Central Park and a strange lantern-holding man watches her as she leaves.

:: Upon leaving Central Park, Aura encounters Tommy (Arrow) and flees to the safety of the apartment.

:: Ash leaves The Red Attic and bumps into Blossom (quite literally) and after an awkward few moments, they are on first name terms.

:: Blossom offers a peniless Ash the couch in Jordan's apartment rather than have him find a hotel.

:: Aleigh leaves The Red Attic and is attacked by a strange energy. She manages to overwhelm it.

:: Aura visit's Madam Marie's Magick shop in order to find out more about the Slayer.

:: Mia settles in to her new warehouse "home" in the heart of New York. After visiting a club, The Afterhours, she realises she is being followed by someone... or something.

:: Aura sees Arrow standing outside the apartment.

:: Ash dreams of Hope, where she repeats the enigmatic message Blossom had heard earlier that evening, unkown to Ash of course.

:: Aleigh is visited by her Grandmother in a dream and she warns of an approaching evil and informs her she must find "the missing piece."

:: After following Blossom to New York, Rick is found dead after apparently comminting suicide by jumping out of a window - leaving only a strange note where he claims to have been attacked by a strange energy.

17 August 1997

:: Aleigh tries to make sense of her dream and determines to locate Ash.

:: Blossom introduces Ash to Aura and Jordan.

:: Aura dreams of Tommy being human once again.

:: Blossom and Ash take a tour around the sites of New York

:: Aleigh goes out to search for Ash only to find herself being followed and eventually confronted by a stranger.

:: Blossom and Ash encounter a dazed and confused Aleigh and, intrugied by her seeming knowledge of the pair, the trio decide they need to talk.

:: Jordan reflects on a past secret - she has a secret daughet.

:: Eileen Falco, in her office at Wolfram & Hart Manhattan, has an interesting and lethal encounter with Rhys Fychan.

:: Rhys returns home and recieves communication from a fellow Watcher concerning the fates of several of Blossom's potential Watchers. He is asked to keep an eye on the new Slayer.

:: A brief encounter with Arrow/Tommy confuses Aura as to her true feelings for him.

:: Aura hears from her sister, Destiny. She is coming to New York very soon!

:: Rhys is contacted by the Home Office, who order him to "save" the Slayer from the hoards sent to kill her.

:: Aura worries about telling Jordan that Destiny is coming to stay in the already crowded apartment.

:: Aleigh, Blossom and Ash head discuss matters in a coffee-shop. Ash learns that Blossom is the Slayer and decides to head back to London.

:: Rhys heads out for a jog and meets an old "acquaintance" who knows more than a little about Rhys' assignment from the Home Office.

:: Blossom heads out to Central Park to patrol.

18 August 1997

:: An unexpected attack by a large populace of vampires and 2 Mohra demons brings Rhys and Blossom together. He introduces himself as her new Watcher.

:: Hannah meets her neighbour, Vox (Jason).

:: Aura meets Destiny at the train station only to be confronted by Tommy.

:: Rhys and Aleigh meet at a restaurant, Daniel, and go through the formalities - with some added revelations. The pair don't exactly end up becoming friends.

:: Hannah learns of the Slayer's presence in NYC from a vampire and determines to find her.

19 August 1997

:: At his family home in Bath, Ash remembers a defining moment in the relationship between Hope and himself.

:: Ash pays the Green's a late night visit and is witness to a surprising event.

20August 1997

Ash manages to speak with Mr Green, and learns that the Watcher's Council and the police have an "arrangement". The conversation brings about a realisation of his past; which prompts the boy to make the decision to return to NYC.

:: Two vampires are pursued by a mysterious assailant.

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