slayer: a twist of fate
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer trademark and copyright Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This website, its operators and any content on this site relating to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are not authorized by Fox. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network and/or UPN. The webmasters are not affiliated in any way with the aforementioned entities. The information on this site is provided solely as an informative and entertaining resource. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied.

affiliates: timeless twilight . power girl . sunny-d reloaded . surrounded in beauty
member: even angels fall . homoeroticism yay! . willow+tara . amberholic

Our Crew
Kevin - The RPG genious behind Slayer: A Twist of Fate that was the catalyst for the name change and the new network feel.
Jen - Our lovely news person for S:ATOF and also one of our admins at the boards.
Lee - The owner of the webspace where all of this stuff is housed. Also the designer and webmistress.

Site Info and Details
Twilight made it's first debut on Tripod in October of 2001. Moved to in January 2002. Changed to Twisted Fates in late December of 2002.

This page is hand coded with 1st page 2000 by Eyelight, who happens to also create all of the fun things you can find here. She frequently gets eye strain from staring at the overly bright screen of her computer. Please be nice and let her know if you like the things she's made for you with such programs as Jasc Paint Shop Pro7, Microangelo, Photo Shop6 and various others.


Special thanks to the following fantastic programmers who've written great php programs. *applause*

rpg forums: PHPbb
public forums:
links: WSN Links
fic archive: IO Designs

I have found many photos all over the net. I can't always remember where, but here is a list of resources I have come across.

LUSH - wonderful high quality images
Imagine This
City of Angelus
The Slayer and Her Slayerettes Gallery
Buffy Sheila
The BtVS/A Character Page

I'm sure there's more and I will add them as I find them or remember. :)

Brushes (sometimes used for wallpapers and layouts)

I have a brush fetish, which means I download them by the truckload from the following beautiful people who also make them for free. Then I use them to create the graphics you find decorating these pages.

Nonexistent Brushes

Link Back

Game Home . Rules . Apply . Characters . The Story . Timeline . Game Boards . Staff . Player Chat
EXTRAS Downloads and Desktops . Fun and Quizzes . Links Database . Fan Fiction Archive . Buffy News
2003 1greeneye Design