1GREENEYE.NET: stripped

the fine art of LM Hutchings at LMHucthings.com

FLOAT - textures by lee

this site: is the personal online space of a woman who is living in a mind full or images, words, and often obscure thought. more... pop

brushes: have been moved due to bandwidth issues. You can now find them at the 1GE Brushes Yahoo! group HERE.

sites i visit:
? smart bitches
? post secret
? xfm london
? sacred texts

artists i dig:
? susan hippe
? todd marrone
? judith shaw
? liz toole
? julianne ingles
? jesse reno
? beverly ashe
? kelly bickman
? sketch bob
? gabriel shaffer


I avoid goods made in china whenever possible.

buy 1ge stuff from cafe press

Save the Net

April 20, 2004

Check it out! I've been playing around with making my own textures lately since recently visiting ofthesky.net and using Tre's lovely creations there. So, now there are about 21 of my experimental textures for you to play with. See the link in the menu or click the title of this blog entry to see them. A few are posted for your to see below.