![]() ![]() ![]() this site: is the personal online space of a woman who is living in a mind full or images, words, and often obscure thought. It is used as a place to dream, to connect, to create, and to think. more... pop brushes: have been moved due to bandwidth issues. You can now find them at the 1GE Brushes Yahoo! group HERE. sites i visit: smart bitches post secret xfm london sacred texts artists i dig: susan hippe todd marrone judith shaw liz toole julianne ingles jesse reno beverly ashe kelly bickman sketch bob gabriel shaffer BLOG ARCHIVES
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June 30, 2006
Yearning for the Obscure
After doing a more extensive search I did find some cool ideas. By cool I mean I wish I had thought of them. Hey, at least I'm honest. From: http://www.writersdigest.com/writingprompts.asp "What if parody artist "Weird" Al Yankovic was suffering from writers block and asked for your help? Take your favorite song and rewrite the lyrics." "Two characters meet in a bar. Write about their meeting without using any dialogue. Now write the same scene using dialogue only." "You've finally snapped. Stress has gotten the better of you, and you can no longer think in long descriptive sentences. Write about the day you lost your mind, using sentences comprised of six words or fewer." Now, I don't expect everyone to find those prompts as interesting as I do. I'm weird and maybe you are too - but in a different way. Now for some of my own: Andy Warhol knocks on your door to deliver a message that contains the meaning of life. What does he say? God wants your opinon on life. What things do you like or dislike about the general confines of living? Describes what colors would smell, feel, taste, and sound like. If anyone actually reads this, leave me a comment or two and let me know you've been here. ![]()
June 29, 2006
Spock's Photography
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Jesus Was a Web Designer
Wearing Words
- I horde Oreos. (possible lawsuit from Nabisco for this one) - I download illegally. (might get sued by a number of people.) - I eat cheese after midnight. - Your mom says hi. - No impulse control. - Low carb dietsare for (insert favorite explitive here). - Hooking is just my night job. Yeah I know. I'm completely insane - but oddly enough in a good way. ![]()
June 28, 2006
![]() Another thing, no one around him seems to have a sense of humor. I refuse to believe that is genuine. Two minutes with him and I'd be laughing my ass off. The show also makes it seem as though Pauly has a hard time with the ladies. I doubt that. If he asked me to lean over all porn-starish I'd laugh at him and call him an ass. Then I'd probably ask him to show me his weasel. But I have a sense of humor and would not be so easily offended by a cute, funny little jewish man. Oh well, enough of that. The show makes me laugh and brings back fond memories of when Pauly Shore movies were something I watched on a regular basis (I still remember lines from Encino Man) and MTV was cool. Plus, I like to think Lisa, Lisa (The One I Adore) is all about me. (yeah right...) And i'm seriously thinking about buying one of those t-shirts. ![]()
June 26, 2006
Words as Image
- Cigarettes and Lesbians - Parking Lot Rock - Dead Man's Jeans - Blue Moose The phrases above were uttered during our road trip to the Adirondack Mountains this weekend. We had a great time and lots of wine. The mountains were completely amazing. I would love to be able to wake up and see them surrounded by the lake everyday. I'm inspired by them, but not really in a "I want to paint that" kind of way. (I'll leave the mountainous landscapes to Bob Ross.) They inspire my soul more than anything which makes me want to create. Anyway, I have some preliminary sketches of "Cigarettes and Lesbians" already done. I plan to paint it as soon as I get over my extreme wino lethargy. ![]()
June 22, 2006
Personal Brimstone
![]() blue tipped and waiting for you by the bed. I've been striking them on the wall next to Klimt's Kiss counting days with the sulfur stench of my personal brimstone. LM Hutchings I think every collage kid in the country must have this poster on thier dorm room wall. If not then there is probably a Van Gogh, a "screaming" Munch, or Dali's "melting clocks" in it's place. At the very least there must be a Monet somewhere. People can't seem to get enough of Monet. Is it possible for art to become so cliche that you no longer notice how wonderful it actually is? ![]()
June 21, 2006
I Never Draw Flowers Anymore
Herbs growing in my garden: Catmint: spectacular show of spiked, purple flowers. Great temperment and easy to grow. Catnip: nothing in bloom yet, but it's growing well. Perennial Hyssop: Also not blooming. I am eagerly awaiting this plants sweet color. Bee Balm: Not even sure what it looks like in bloom just yet. Sage - Common and English: no blooms, but it's the leaves I'm after anyway. Roman Chamomile: this little perennial is going to make a quiet apple flavored tea. The little daisy-like blossoms are plain charming in the garden as well. Echinacea: an ancient natural remedy that's root is good for many ailments. Lavendar - Coconut Ice, Blue Hidcote, English: My favorite herb. Makes a great tea and just makes everything smell better. I think that's all of them. I'll try to get a picture of it up soon. ![]()
Spectral Evidence
Tattooed and weary Came to her and smiled. He gave her new eyes, A gift To see her ties, Thick and solid, Wrapped around limbs, Imprisoning. Parcel delivered, He faded, Pushed her away To be an image Alive inside Her quicksand mind. Without words, Stealing glances, Left wanting And slipping through the dust Of a poet's Well dressed lies. 2006 L.M. Hutchings ![]()
The Future
![]() After four years going strong and focused on digital art this site is going to change into a place where I can say what I want to say - something I seemed to shy away from for a long time. I feel like I can finally be me, whatever that means - with my sometimes crude humor and constant philosophical waxing. I hope this doesn't mean you will stop visiting, but hey - do what makes you feel good dude. Anyway - that's the current scoop. Stay or go - your call. Either way, take care and have a lovely life. ![]() |