the fine art of LM Hutchings at

FLOAT - textures by lee

this site: is the personal online space of a woman who is living in a mind full or images, words, and often obscure thought. It is used as a place to dream, to connect, to create, and to think. more... pop

brushes: have been moved due to bandwidth issues. You can now find them at the 1GE Brushes Yahoo! group HERE.

sites i visit:
? smart bitches
? post secret
? xfm london
? sacred texts

artists i dig:
? susan hippe
? todd marrone
? judith shaw
? liz toole
? julianne ingles
? jesse reno
? beverly ashe
? kelly bickman
? sketch bob
? gabriel shaffer


I avoid goods made in china whenever possible.

buy 1ge stuff from cafe press

Save the Net

July 30, 2004
Dammit Potzer!

I know. I'm a slacker. I'm a bit fat geek slacker. I have been looking for a good subject for the new challenge, but I have not seen a celeb, model, etc that I feel inspired by. Wanna help? Send me some ideas! Hmm... what else? Oh, yeah I need to break up the textures into more than one page, make the thumbs for the art smaller, and probably more...

Oh, I promised you guys some cool stock and textures didn't I? Well, it would help if I could find the usb cable to my camera. Moving is hell. I can't find anything anymore.

Anyway - about the new layout: It's Ed Norton from a really interesting magazine contents page. I was totally inspired by it so I couldn't wait to get the new layout up. See where my priorities are... I have a layout fetish or something. I will work on my slacker issues soon... honest.

And I actually have a new art piece to get up, but I simply haven't found the time to do it. Maybe tomorrow. For now I am off to the land of a good night's?sleep. I need it. Can't you tell with my worthless blathering? Yep... 'night. New crap to come soon... promise.

July 18, 2004
New Art

New art featuring Leaf Pheonix. Or Jaoquin Pheonix. Whatever you prefer. Anyway, everything used is mine - even a new texture I haven't released yet mainly because I think it sucks. The piece is called "Come Back" which is part of the text I added to the collage. The text is mine too... at the top - "when the day breaks on the clouds I know you're there looking down,?so I?smile into the sun with joy and remember your face" and the rest I think is easy to read.

Tagboard Phooey

So I tried installing a new tagboard thing this morning with little to minimal success. I have the whole thing customized and installed correctly but it isn't working for me. So, hold off for a while or if you're feeling frisky-like,?go see if the little?s.o.b. will work for you. :)

July 17, 2004
New Look

Yep, new look - very different. I like it, I think. I called it Whitespace because it is so much cleaner than the other designs which were cluttered with a lot of stuff. This one has lots of whitespace to look at, and sometimes less is just more. Anyway, let me know what you think about the new look. I will be getting a new tag board up soon since Tag Board seems to be adding pop ups to my pages.
Now onto the new stuff... There are two new textures and two new brushes for you to play with. The textures (46+47) are simple and grungy-like, while the brushes (audrey + faint hint of butterfly?) sort of came out fluffy. They still have a certain dirtiness about them though. I love dirty... anyway off topic.
So check out the new stuff, the new look, and the winners of the challenge. Yes, I ended it a tad early, but I just couldn't get caught up on those entries that poured in during my moving fiasco. Sorry I couldn't get them all displayed either, but they were all fantastic. It was a hard challenge to judge... maybe the hardest one yet. I am thinking about using a voting system for the next challenge. Any thoughts?
Okay... until next time keep happy thoughts and play dirty but nice.

July 9, 2004
Finally... YAY!

Okay, I'm back! I am so happy... SO happy!

Anyways - there are a ton of challenge entries in my inbox that are going to take me some time to get up. So, bare with me. I am sure I recieved your challenge so don't send anything again until the next update. If in the next undate you don't see your entry, then send it again. :)

Other than that, I have a new layout to work on and some textures to play with. I'm running along to play now since I am still not done unpacking and I may not find the time later. Cripes, we have a lot of crap.

Alright - gotta go - need some creative time.

July 1, 2004
Can't Sleep Boxes Will Eat Me...

Okay, so we've moved in - sort of. It took two days and a giant Uhaul to get the job done, but all of our crap is now inside of the house. We are by no means settled in, but I am hoping by the end of next week we will be comfortably organized enough to move around and not feel smothered. Tonight will be the first night we sleep in the house - I'm at my in-laws as I write this. Thank goodness for their brand new Dell. I needed a fix. :)

Anyway, I want you all to pray that the cable company has an opening before the ninth. I can't wait to get back. I think I'm going to work on a new layout in the meantime - well, as soon as I get my pc connected again. I also have some textures to work on. I found a book that is over a hundred years old and scanned in some of the pages. Very cool. Can't wait to give them to you. Oh, and wait until you see the grungy stock I got from my garage walls. Amazing. I think the future may contain textures, textures, and more textures. Damn, I have to make textures: page two...

Okay lots of work to do guys. I'll try to keep you updated on my cable installation. hehe.