1GREENEYE.NET: stripped

the fine art of LM Hutchings at LMHucthings.com

FLOAT - textures by lee

this site: is the personal online space of a woman who is living in a mind full or images, words, and often obscure thought. more... pop

brushes: have been moved due to bandwidth issues. You can now find them at the 1GE Brushes Yahoo! group HERE.

sites i visit:
? smart bitches
? post secret
? xfm london
? sacred texts

artists i dig:
? susan hippe
? todd marrone
? judith shaw
? liz toole
? julianne ingles
? jesse reno
? beverly ashe
? kelly bickman
? sketch bob
? gabriel shaffer


I avoid goods made in china whenever possible.

buy 1ge stuff from cafe press

Save the Net

January 30, 2004
Poetry Section

I know you're missing it A*- I just wanted to let you know that it is being worked on at this very moment. :o) I have a few new ones and I am pairing them up with some of my graphic artwork. I think it will be nice when I finally get it done. Thanks for being so great!

January 29, 2004
Question From Meg and the Art Returns

hey lee! lovin' the site as always! I was just wondering, where do you find the base pictures you use? any particular sites?


Meg - thanks for the comments. I cruise sites of celebrities searching for creative pics. You can try http://www.absolutepictures.com/ or simply do a google for the pics you are looking for. I am picky about what I use though. I look for magazine scans in specific which have a creative flair.

Also - the graphic art/wallpaper is back up. I hope everyone finds the section easy to use still. There are some new ones I haven't posted yet, so stay tuned for updates there.

January 28, 2004
New Look for the Brushes

Okay, so I'm trying something new. They're not all up yet. There are still about 60 sets or so that have not been added. Let me know if there are any dead links and how you feel about the new look. I, for one, really dig it. Hope you do to. Until next time.

January 27, 2004
Things Are Looking Up!

I have come up with a new way to display the brushes that I am really excited about. It may take me a little time to get it all together, but not too much time. I think this new way will be the absolute best and most creative way to offer the brushes. I think I'm going to display my desktops and graphic art the same way. Yay! Stay tuned.

A Few Updates

Well, thanks to my wonderful friend Aquarelita, I have added a comments system from Haloscan. Thanks for the tip! I've also made a few changes to the layout and I am still debating on how much I like the new system I'm using for the brushes. If you guys have any thoughts on this, I would really love to hear them. I'm just overwhelmed with the job of actually making a page for each set of brushes as my Greymatter did for me before. How well does the new way work?

Anyway, that's about it for now. I still have a few things to figure out, but hopefully I can find some helpful solutions very soon.

Thanks to everyone who comes here and wanders around my little online home. I enjoy hearing what you have to say and seeing the work you do with the things you find here. :o)

January 24, 2004
To Do and To Fix

- Re-do and add templates, blinkies, backgrounds, graphic art/wallpaper, and poetry.
- Create new preview images to be displayed right.
- Add new Warhols and Faux Muse submissions.
- Figure out a way to create a comments system.

Can you think of anything I'm missing? Anyone know a good comments system for Blogger?

Missing Content

The templates, backgrounds, and other MIA goodies will be back ASAP. Since the server issues I have had to get rid of all content supplied by cgi scripts. Basically, I have to find some other way to organize everything.

Once again, the brushes are up and functioning, so let me know how that goes. I am working on a feedback system for comments, because I'm really going to miss hearing from you guys without them. :o)

Good News!

The brushes are back and hopefully they are still fairly user friendly. They are now organized into psp7/ps6 categories. There is a preview page to look at the brushes before you download.

I am still trying to get everything put together, so bare with me if you run into some 404s. I'll have it done asap. But, at least I got the brushes up.

Well, I'm off. There is so much to do, and I just wish everything was back to normal. Ughh... I love my host, but this is ridiculous.

Sign the guestbook and let me know how the brushes are working out in this format. You have to use the guestbook or send me an email because the bloody comments will not work since they run on cgi. Bloody Hell! Sorry... good air in, bad air out. :o) Love you guys.

Cheers and Drunken Smiles,