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Save the Net

May 20, 2004
Thursday Threesome

Yeah, so I've resorted to memes. My brain simply isn't functioning lately. Hopefully, this site is at least semi-entertaining still.

Todays Meme: Thursday Threesome

Onesome- Beginnings: Are there any television shows out there that you've watched regularly from the very beginning? Or for those of you not into TV, any book authors that you've read from the very beginning?

This is were my geek starts to shine through... Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Mad Mad House, and Star Trek Voyager. I'm so proud.

Books: Linda Lael Miller's Vampire Series, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon Series, and anything else by LLM, Nora Roberts, and Jude Devereux.

Twosome- Middles: What about shows that you came into in the middle of the season but immediately grabbed your attention and turned you into a die-hard fan? Again, for non-TV fans, have you ever begun reading a series of books in the middle and then just had to read everything else in the series?

Hmmm... this one is a toughy for me since I don't watch a lot of shows other than the ones I just mentioned. X-files is one I simply enjoy and I also like Xena, Hercules, and Sliders. Can you tell I watch the Sci-Fi Channel a lot.

Books: See above answer

Threesome- And Ends: Recently, a number of big name shows have ended, Friends, Fraiser, The Drew Carey Show, and the cult hit, Angel. Did you watch any of the big finales? Have you ever been really sad to see a show go? Ok, readers, here's one for you. Have you ever read the end of a book first? Why? ;)

I watched Angel and Buffy like it was my job. https://1greeneye.net/pixels/smilie.gif I was completely depressed when Buffy ended. There may have actually been tears. I watched the Angel finale last night and I have decided that if Joss Whedon does not make a movie of some kind he will get hate mail from me. Love ya Joss, but you can't end an entire show with a cliffhanger and not expect people to go "What the...?" Oh, and the Friends finale... that show jumped the shark after Rachel had the baby, so I wasn't too sad to see it end. It was great for a while, but I lost interest.

i never watched Friends. i watch the old reruns sometimes, which are pretty funny. but i was never a fan. i used to adore Buffy, but i was majorly pissed when they killed Faith off, cuz she was my fave character on that show. so consequently, i never really watched angel. i was kinda mad when he left too. bad moves on their part. that's cool tho. i'll just get the dvds and reminisce lol i was very sad when Sex and the City went off, but that finale sucked major ass. so it made me kind of not so sad. does this comment make sense at all? i'm at work and tired so i'm rambling.
-Jenn (from Silicone)
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