the fine art of LM Hutchings at

FLOAT - textures by lee

this site: is the personal online space of a woman who is living in a mind full or images, words, and often obscure thought. It is used as a place to dream, to connect, to create, and to think. more... pop

brushes: have been moved due to bandwidth issues. You can now find them at the 1GE Brushes Yahoo! group HERE.

sites i visit:
? smart bitches
? post secret
? xfm london
? sacred texts

artists i dig:
? susan hippe
? todd marrone
? judith shaw
? liz toole
? julianne ingles
? jesse reno
? beverly ashe
? kelly bickman
? sketch bob
? gabriel shaffer


I avoid goods made in china whenever possible.

buy 1ge stuff from cafe press

Save the Net

March 20, 2006
Movie: Waiting

I just saw Waiting. It's funny in that toilet humor sort of way and occasionally quite poignant . The only reason I checked it out was for Ryan Reynolds. I think he's completely hysterical and will see anything simply because he's in it even if the movie itself is just plain bad (i.e. Blade Trinity). Anyway, if you've ever worked in a restaurant, then you need to see this movie. Everything is perfect - right down to the asshole cooks on the line and the deeply philosophical dishwashers. I think the person who wrote this screenplay must have worked in the same places I did. Or maybe it really is the same everywhere you go.

Hello, I just saw your beautiful freedom wall of Charlize Theron and would like to put it up on my blog. If you object, please email me and I will not use it. Thanks!
Are you saying you'd like to make a layout of it? Or just show it to people in a post on your blog?
Just show it to people. I will credit you for it.
I absolutely love that movie! I checked it out just for Ryan, but now it's a favorite of mine.
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